Belgian Bearded d’Uccle
- Easily managed bantam breed
- Excellent breed for children as they love to cuddle and have easy going friendly personalities
- Ideal for small backyards as not great wonderers
- Layers of small white eggs
- Will go broody at various times throughout the year
- Excellent mothers
- Feathered legs and come in a wide variety of beautiful colours – most common is ‘Mille Fleur’ or mahagany brown colour.
French Maran
- Medium to large attractive hardy breed
- Friendly and docile temperament
- Dark chocolate coloured eggs
- Rooster is very striking and multi-coloured
- Excellent layers
- Rare breed
Guinea Fowl
- Attractive
- Fantastic at controlling ticks
- Great at snake alerting
Sicilian Buttercups
- Affectionate
- Friendly
- Active
- Comb has a unique cup shape
- Good layers of medium white eggs
- Rare breed
- Very attractive bird:
- Males are deep orange-red with lustrous green and black tail
- Hens are golden buff with parallel rows of black spangles, giving her an almost spotted appearance
- Extremely docile
- Extremely friendly so popular for families
- Productive breed
- Copes well with hot and cold weather
- Great layer of large cream to light brown eggs
- Rarely go broody
- Relatively easy to maintain
- White body with a black tail and wing tips, neck is white striped
Wyandotte – Silver Laced and Golden Laced
- Large size breed
- Extremely Glamorous
- Docile
- Very friendly and easy to maintain
- Fantastic layer of pale brown/tan eggs
- Devoted mothers